Summer worship schedule begins Sunday, May 26th. Join us weekly for worship at 10AM until Sept. 15th.

Logistical and Communications Processes

    February 17, 2022 | Communications by Jayne Grabowski

    Beginning March 14th, 2022, we are asking everyone to use the below forms to allow us to meet the various needs of the congregation as efficiently as possible. Thank you for your patience, flexibility, and cooperation!

    Step 1: Secure a Space
    Calendar Reservations and Building Usage Form

    Click here for the form

    Please use the Calendar Reservations and Building Usage Form to reserve a space for your group. Select whether your reservation requires a special set-up-- select "Yes" only if the default layout of the chosen room will not work and you require WPC staff to set up the space. If you do require a special set-up, you will be taken through a series of questions outlining the event's needs. 

    While you must use the online form for simple Calendar Reservations (not requiring a special set-up), the church office still distributes and accepts paper copies of the Building Usage Form.

    Note that a form submission does not guarantee room availability. A WPC staff person will be in touch as to whether or not your request is approved.

    To ensure timely approvals, please submit 30 days in advance if you require special set-up, and 2 weeks in advance if you do not. 

    Step 2: Request Tech Support
    Technology Assistance Request Form

    Click here for the form

    If you require assistance with technology for your event, you must fill out the Technology Assistance Request Form in addition to the Calendar Reservations and Building Usage Form. The questions you will answer allow us to match your needs with a WPC volunteer or staff person based on availability and expertise.

    Please submit at least 2 weeks in advance to ensure your tech support. 

    Step 3: Communicate and Promote
    Creative and Website Requests Form

    Click here for the form

    This form is a sort of catch-all when it comes to promoting your events, programming, or anything else. You will be prompted to answer whether you are filling out a Website Request, a Creative Request, or both.

    As a rule of thumb, Creative Requests cover every communication method besides the website, including News & Views, the bulletin, the Wayne Pres, social media, graphic design, and printed materials. You can request as much or as little creative control as you wish: feel free to ask for a specific number of social media posts, exact wording in News & Views, etc.

    For website updates, all events are put on the calendar and judgment is used as to what should go on the home page carousel and featured events if it is not specifically asked for. Program leaders also have access to update their respective Ministry pages.

    Anything unspecified will be decided by the Marketing and Communications team.

    After submitting the form, someone will get back to you within 7 days with a timeline for completion.